Line 101 Employment income
Don't miss out on the following tax saving
Office in the home
Automobile expenses
Salaries paid to an assistant (your partner or child perhaps)
Supplies used to earn employment income
If you already are claiming the above expenses,
don't forget to see if you qualify to claim the GST rebate for
the GST you paid on deductible expenses.
If you are a waiter don't forget to report your
If you work on the railroad, don't forget to claim your away from home expenses.
If you paid legal fees to collect salaries or
wages you may be entitled to a deduction.
Line 104 Other employment income
If you received a taxable disability payment
this year, you may be able to deduct all the premiums you paid
into the plan since you started contributing to the plan. You
may also elect to pay CPP premiums on other employment income
not otherwise pensionable.
Line 113 Old Age Security
Don't miss out on the following tax saving ideas:
Claim the Age personal tax credit if you are over 65.
Check your T4AOAS slip to see if any tax has already been withheld.
Line 114 Canada and Quebec Pension Plan
Don't miss out on the following tax saving ideas:
Averaging the tax on lump sum CPP benefits received.
Reporting a death benefit on a separate trust return and pay less
tax than on your personal return.
Line 119 Employment insurance benefits
Deduct any amounts repaid to EI during the year!
Line 120 Dividends from Canadian Corporation
Don't miss out on the following tax saving ideas:
Income splitting with your partner and children.
Investing the child tax benefit payments in your children's names.
Issuing shares to your partner or children in a family owned business.
Line 121 Interest and other investment income
Don't miss out on the following tax saving ideas:
Income splitting with your partner and children.
Investing the child tax benefit payments in your children's names.
Deducting interest expense on money borrowed to purchase investments
or invest in a family business.
Deducting the interest paid to purchase Canada Savings Bonds on
the payroll plan at work.
Deducting your safe deposit box fees.
Deducting accounting fees paid to calculate the investment income
reported on your tax return.
Deducting the interest paid on your margin account.
Review in detail the charges on your brokerage accounts for any
possible interest or other fees paid that may be deductible. Look
for accrued interest charges on bonds and similar investments
Line 126 Rental income
Claim all expenses incurred to earn rental income
such as taxes, insurance, minor repairs and maintenance, interest
expense and accounting fees paid to have the rental statement
on your tax return prepared. Do not expense the cost of major
repairs or additions to your property. Claim capital cost allowance
to reduce your rental profit to zero.
Rental income is based on the accrual method and therefor any
expenses incurred but not paid such as property taxes may non
the less be claimed in the year to which they apply.
Consider purchasing rental property that will generate a profit
in the name of the family member with the lowest net income, or
consider income splitting with another family member.
Line 127 Taxable capital gains
Reduce any capital gains by any capital losses
incurred in the year.
If you still have a capital gain at this point, claim any capital
losses from previous years not otherwise deducted.
If you have an overall capital loss for the year, consider deducting
these losses from any capital gains reported on your prior 3 year's
income tax return or carry them forward until used..
Line 128 Support payments received
Some child support
payments are not taxable!!!
There are joint elections that can be filed to make certain support
payments not taxable.
Deduct any legal fees paid to enforce the payment of taxable support
If you are single or unmarried you may be entitled to claim the
equivalent to married exemption for on of your children.
Line 129 Registered retirement savings plans
Cash in RRSP's in amounts less that $5,000 at
any one time to reduce the withholding tax to 10%. Of course the
balance of the tax has to be paid when the tax return for the
year is filed. Spousal RRSP's are a means of shifting the tax
burden from one spouse to the other.
Line 130 Other income
The first $3,000 of certain scholarships and
bursaries are not taxable.
You may be able to deduct expenses against a research grant you
received this year.
Line 135 to 143 Self employed income
Self employed individuals are entitled to claim
a host of expenses as long as they are reasonable and incurred
to earn income. The most common are goods purchased for resale,
office supplies, consulting fees, salaries and benefits, travel,
insurance, equipment rental, bank charges and repairs and maintenance.
Often missed are the entertainment expense incurred to earn income
such as meals, coffee, drinks in the bar and gifts.
If you home
is your main place of employment you may also be entitled to claim
a portion of your occupancy expenses such as rent, mortgage interest,
property taxes, insurance, utilities, telephone and minor repairs
and maintenance. The portion you claim varies based upon the amount
of space and time the space is used for business.
If you use your
car, you my be entitled to claim a reasonable portion of gas,
repairs, lease, insurance, driver's license, interest on car loans,
motor league, parking, washes and 30% per year on the cost of
the vehicle used.
If you partner or other family members participate
in the business a reasonable salary paid may be deducted.
may be a great tax savings strategy depending upon your circumstances.
You might also consider making another family member the owner
or partner in the business in order to split income.
Its also
important to know when its time to incorporate and what family
members to include as shareholders. There are many tax saving
strategies associated with incorporating a family business and
its important to get proper professional advice.
Sometimes its
possible to combine a family vacation with a business trip and
expense a portion of the expenses.
Line 208 Registered retirement savings plan
Consider making your RRSP contributions now,
but save claiming the deduction for when you are in a higher tax
Consider making spousal RRSP contributions.
Make an excess contribution of $2,000, but remember you may never
have more than a $2,000 excess contribution at any time.
Make your RRSP contribution early in the year to take advantage
of the tax free accumulation of earnings.
File income tax returns no matter how low your earned income is
or how young you are to start accumulating contribution room.
If you are short on cash, consider transferring certain existing
asset to your RRSP in order to obtain an RRSP deduction.
If your income will be nil or significantly less next year, buy
an RRSP before March 1st., and cash it in one day later.
The contribution will be deductible this year at your marginal
tax rate and taxable next year at your new marginal tax rate .
Line 212 Annual union and professional dues
If your employer is registered for GST and you
pay GST on your union dues, you can get this GST back by completing
form GST 370 and making a claim on line 457.
Check your T4 to see how much you paid in union dues or refer
to separate receipts issued by your union.
Line 214 Child care expenses
Lunch programs and after school programs qualify
as day care expenses.
Certain sports schools and camps also qualify
as day care.
Line 217 Business investment loss
Unpaid funds loaned to a family corporation my
qualify as business investment loss.
You may not even know that you have an existing "shareholder's
loan" unless you have completed your corporations final set of
financial statements and corporation income tax return. If so,
take a look at the balance sheet and give us a call.
Line 219 Moving expenses
This expense can really add up fast...especially
when you may be able to claim real estate fees and legal fees
on the sale and purchase of a home.
Amounts not claimed in one year may be carried forward one year.
Students may also be able to claim moving expenses.
Line 221
Carrying charges and interest expense
See tips under line 120 and 121
Line 229
Other employment expenses
See tips under line 101
Line 252 Non capital losses of other years
Contact the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
and ask for a printout of your carry forward items. You might
have a loss from a prior year that you forgot to claim.
Line 255 Northern Residents Deduction
Don't miss out on the following tax savings ideas:
If you live in a prescribed northern zone, see if you qualify
to claim this deduction.
Also if there is a taxable benefit on your T4 for travel in a
prescribed zone, you may be entitled to deduct all or a part of
this from your income. This includes travel for you and your family
for 2 trips and all other trips taken for medical purposes.
Line 301 Age amount
You maybe able to transfer any unused amount to
you spouse.
Line 305 Equivalent to spouse
You may qualify for this deduction if you were
single, divorced, separated or widowed "at any time" in the year
and you supported a dependent.
Dependents include your children, your parents or any other relative.
Adopted children need not be legally adopted.
Line 308
Canada Pension Plan contributions through
Often you have over contributed to the plan and
if so you are entitled to get the overpayment refunded.
Line 312 Employment Insurance premiums
Like CPP you may have over contributed to this
plan. Claim the overpayment on your income tax return.
Line 314
Pension income amount
If you do not need this deduction transfer the
unused amount to your spouse.
Basically the first $1,000 of periodic pension plan is tax free
for you and your spouse
Line 315 Caregiver amount
This credit is new and you may not know you qualify.
If you are the caregiver of a relative who lived with you and
who is over 18 and dependent on you because of an infirmity. Their
income must be less than a qualifying amount.
Line 316
Disability amount
This deduction is transferable to your spouse
if you don't need it to reduce your net income to zero.
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency is a stickler on this one, so
be sure your form T2201 is filled out correctly by your physician.
Check this deduction out if you or your spouse are "markedly restricted"
in your daily living activities such as walking, talking, seeing,
or mental function.
Line 318
Disability amount transferred from other
Unused disability amounts from a dependant may
be transferred to you under certain circumstances.
Line 319 Interest on student loans
It may be beneficial to save this deduction for
a future year when you are taxable or in a higher tax bracket.
Maximum carry forward is 5 years.
Your dependant or spouse may also transfer this amount to you
if not needed by them.
Don't forget about transferring tuition fees and education amounts
as well.
Line 323 Tuition and education
Unused tuition fees may either be carried forward
or transferred to a parent or spouse.
The education amount may also be transferred or carried forward.
Both full time and part time students may claim the education
To make this claim you must have an official receipt.
Universities outside Canada also qualify.
Students can claim moving expenses under certain conditions.
Line 324 Tuition & Education amounts from child
Often your children do not need their tuition
fees or education amount. If so they may be able to transfer to
you... check it out.
It may also be more advantageous for the student to carry these
amounts forward to a future year.
Line 326 Amounts transferred from your spouse
Several deduction may be transferred to you from your spouse if these deductions are not needed by them. They include age, pension disability, tuition and education amounts.
Line 330 Medical expenses
Combining medical expenses for the entire family
and claiming them on one return may be more advantageous.
Medical may be claimed for any 12 month period ending in the year.
It may be more advantageous for example to go from June to May
when totaling your medical expenses.
Medical expenses include premiums paid at work for health and
dental plans (but not insurance and disability).
Blue Cross and
other health plans are also medical expenses.
Don't forget to include travel health insurance.
Under certain circumstances you may also be able to claim travel
expenses as part of your medical expenses.
Don't forget about the refundable medical expense supplement on
line 452.
Line 349 Charitable donations
Claiming your donations every 2nd 3rd 4th or
5th year may be more advantageous to you. When your total donations
are more that $200, the credit is much higher, approximately 50%
depending on your province of residence.
Combining your donations with your spouse may also be more advantageous
than each claiming donations separately.
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income tax savings ideas!!